Staging Links
Preview new updates before they go live.
minor text changes
added a recent video (for testing)
started adding simple links
In Progress
[DONE] create favicon (will make more later)
add/process YouTube sermons
[DONE] lab test: start at sermon
[DONE FOR 2022] catch up from last year
[DONE FOR 2022] create thumbnails
[ALMOST DONE for 2022] staging test: all sermons since last year
[ACTIVE] “sermon checklist” spreadsheet
[WAITING] splice videos together for 5/29 worship service
[DONE] public calendar (live, but needs feedback)
[DONE] lab test: embed Google calendar
[DONE] staging test: replace calendar page
elders/deacons calendar
provide link on a special page
about us
new “About” page
new staff photo page
[DONE] staff photo processing
start members-only area
“who should I contact?”
photos and videos
migrate older sermon videos to YouTube