What We Believe

What We Believe
New Life Deaf Fellowship is an affiliated member of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.
Our foundational beliefs align with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

Josh Bonjour Elder
Josh has been the lead pastor at New Life Deaf Fellowship since 2015. Before that, he served as NLDF's associate pastor, and he has also previously served on staff at Amarillo Deaf Church in Amarillo, TX. He currently attends Dallas Theological Seminary and is married to Libby. They have three kids: Noah (age 13), Jude (age 8), and Jonah (toddler).
Cliff Bodiford Elder
Nullam facilisis ligula eu lobortis rutrum. Curabitur in ipsum vel dui tincidunt bibendum. Suspendisse feugiat quam quis libero posuere rhoncus vitae sed nulla. Aliquam eget urna enim. Morbi massa urna, interdum vitae tincidunt vitae, accumsan sed lectus. Maecenas rutrum porta justo at semper. Maecenas porttitor sodales lacus, sed ultrices neque porttitor nec. Nunc fermentum ex sapien, in varius augue sodales eu. Donec id felis ornare, placerat nisl ultrices, dapibus ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent dignissim nisi tempor lacus suscipit, at scelerisque arcu laoreet. Praesent egestas gravida elementum.
Greg Vollmar Elder
Maecenas lobortis vestibulum orci nec efficitur. Nam ultricies nulla ante, vel aliquam nisi volutpat lobortis. Aliquam nec elementum ante, a porta velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce nec dolor sit amet ante facilisis congue. Maecenas sit amet egestas dui. Suspendisse rhoncus auctor justo, vel imperdiet nunc efficitur bibendum.

Amanda Castro Deacon
Sed mattis neque ut mauris ultricies dignissim. Nunc porta ligula nec accumsan lacinia. Maecenas hendrerit erat eu pellentesque fermentum. Fusce at sem sed purus venenatis hendrerit eu eu arcu. Pellentesque egestas dapibus mollis. Nam congue mattis elit. Curabitur nulla sem, cursus eu nisi eu, sodales molestie libero. Sed posuere lobortis enim eget suscipit. Sed imperdiet, est eget vulputate bibendum, neque dolor vestibulum enim, nec bibendum tellus dui at mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Philippe Gallant Deacon
Nullam a sapien a tortor ultrices iaculis eu sit amet nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Ut vulputate et erat ut aliquet. Morbi et porttitor magna, ac pulvinar lectus. Pellentesque ac varius nibh. Sed porttitor vulputate iaculis. Nulla tincidunt, risus condimentum tristique fringilla, massa tellus laoreet odio, ut sodales libero tellus sed felis. Nulla fringilla imperdiet erat ac condimentum. Mauris fermentum augue non pulvinar molestie. Cras hendrerit lorem id dolor aliquet ultrices. Etiam fermentum tellus eget sodales vehicula.
Joleen Gallant Deacon
Nunc dignissim augue tellus, non laoreet nisl pellentesque sit amet. Pellentesque ac fringilla leo. Sed placerat finibus velit. Nullam gravida gravida nunc vestibulum pulvinar. Nulla metus lorem, condimentum nec quam vel, tincidunt auctor nibh. Integer bibendum ante vel aliquet commodo. Suspendisse id faucibus est. Aenean ipsum diam, finibus at facilisis sed, viverra fermentum arcu. Suspendisse accumsan turpis nec magna pellentesque facilisis. Quisque purus metus, elementum et turpis vel, maximus semper turpis. Etiam efficitur luctus interdum. Mauris ac justo porta, euismod felis et, vulputate nunc. Duis congue libero erat, nec pharetra nisl efficitur at. Fusce vestibulum a lorem at volutpat. Curabitur vitae nisl blandit, tempor neque quis, imperdiet erat.
Sherri Schaeffer Deacon
Pellentesque aliquet consequat nunc ut auctor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas vulputate venenatis enim fringilla imperdiet. Aenean quam libero, sollicitudin sed ligula ac, consectetur rutrum ex. Suspendisse id pellentesque velit. Cras imperdiet lobortis pulvinar. Vestibulum lacus dolor, euismod ut scelerisque non, efficitur at mauris. Curabitur finibus in justo eu auctor.
Werner Zorn Deacon
Nam faucibus nibh sapien. Pellentesque eget aliquet turpis. Etiam rutrum tincidunt vestibulum. Fusce quis molestie lacus. Proin molestie finibus nisi vitae suscipit. Sed sed elementum libero, vitae venenatis enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque lobortis, sapien eget pharetra viverra, urna dolor hendrerit neque, in pharetra tellus nibh a mi. Donec euismod ligula ac gravida auctor. Integer nulla urna, eleifend et ultricies sit amet, gravida a leo.

Josh Bonjour Lead Pastor
Josh has been the lead pastor at New Life Deaf Fellowship since 2015. Before that, he served as NLDF's associate pastor, and he has also previously served on staff at Amarillo Deaf Church in Amarillo, TX. He currently attends Dallas Theological Seminary and is married to Libby. They have three kids: Noah (age 13), Jude (age 8), and Jonah (toddler).
Kenneth Arrington Associate Pastor
Kenneth joined NLDF in 2013, and he began to feel a call to ministry around the same time. In 2016, Kenneth joined NLDF's staff as a pastoral intern, where he is training with hands-on experience in the ministry. Kenneth is a student at Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Sara, have two children: Josiah (age 2) and Samuel (infant).
Sherrie Bodiford Office Administrator
Sherrie is one of NLDF's founding members, and she has served as NLDF's business administrator since 2013. Prior to that, Sherrie served for many years as an administrative assistant at NLDF. Sherrie is married to Cliff, and they have three grown children: Jennifer Hunter (married to Todd), Melissa Bridges (married to Andrew), and Matthew.

New Life Deaf Fellowship was founded in 1994 when three Deaf ministries were sent out from their respective churches to form a single Deaf church in Fort Worth. Aric Randolph, the founding pastor, served at NLDF until 2013. Aric now serves as pastor at Brentwood Baptist Deaf Church and as director of DeafGO.
In 2004, NLDF moved to its current location in East Fort Worth, near the intersection of I-820 and I-30.
It is our prayer that God would use New Life Deaf Fellowship to reach the Deaf in DFW area, the state of Texas, the United States, and around the world.