Sermons - 2019
12.29.2019 - Ephesus - LOVE [Rev 2:1-7]
12.22.2019 - Good News! [Luke 2:8-20]
12.15.2019 - Worry to Worship [Luke 1:39-56]
12.8.2019 - Jesus’ Mom [Luke 1:26 -38]
12.1.2019 - True Story [Luke 1:1-4]
11.17.2019 - The True Vine [John 15:1-10]
11.10.2019 - Way, Truth, and Life [John 14:1-6]
11.03.2019 - Resurrection and Life [John 11:1-44]
10.27.2019 - Shepherd [John 10:7-10]
10.20.2019 - Shepherd [John 10:14-16]
10.13.2019 - Light [John 8:12]
10.06.2019 - Bread [John 6]
09.22.2019 - Kingdom [1 Samuel 8:4-9]
09.15.2019 - Protect Love [Song of Solomon 8:5 - 14]
09.08.2019 - Love + Growth [Song of Solomon 6:4 - 8:4]
09.01.2019 - The Solution [Song of Solomon 5:9 - 6:3]
08.25.2019 - The Fight [Song of Solomon 5:2 - 5:8]
08.11.2019 - The Sex Sermon [Song of Solomon 4:8 - 5:1]
08.04.2019 - Wedding [Song of Solomon 3:6 - 4:7]
07.28.2019 - Waiting [Song of Solomon 2:7 - 3:5]
07.21.2019 - Crazy Love [Song of Solomon 1:12-2.6]
07.14.2019 - Want! Doubt. Come! [Song of Solomon 1:1-11]
07.07.19 - God’s Big Love Story [Song of Solomon 2:4-5]
06.23.19 - Why Do We Pay the Pastor? [1 Timothy 5.17-25]
06.16.19 - The Good Father [Luke 15:11-32]
06.09.19 - Slaves? [1 Timothy 6.1-2]
06.02.19 - Widows [1 Timothy 5:9-16]
05.19.19 - Act Like Family - [1 Timothy 5:1-8]
05.12.19 - Mother's Day [1 Kings 17:7-24]
05.05.19 - Instructions for Timothy [1 Timothy 4.11-16]
04.28.19 - Train Yourself - [1 Timothy 4:1-10]
04.21.19 - Easter 2019 - [John 21:3-22]
04.14.19 - Palm Sunday [Mark 11:1-11]
04.07.19 - Deacons - [1 Timothy 3:8-16]
03.31.19 - Elders - Pt 2 - [1 Timothy 3:1-7]
03.24.19 - Elders - Pt 1 - [1 Timothy 3:1-7]
03.17.19 - Women in Ephesus - Pt 2 [1 Timothy 2:13-15]
03.10.19 - Women in Ephesus - Pt 1 [1 Timothy 2:11-12]
03.03.19 - Groups in the Church [1 Timothy 3:1]
02.24.19 - Check Your Heart [1 Timothy 2:8-10]
02.17.19 - Pray [1 Timothy 2:1-7]
02.10.19 - Encouragement [1 Timothy 1:12-20]
02.03.19 - Protect [1 Timothy 1:3-11]
01.27.19 - Warning [1 Timothy 1:1-3]
01.13.19 - Light of the World [John 8:12]
01.06.19 - Heart Issues [Numbers 12]