Sermons - 2018
12.30.18 - Jonah
12.23.18 - Shepherds
12.16.18 - Mary-Joseph
12.09.18 - Innkeeper
12.02.18 - Herod
11.25.18 - Zechariah
11.18.18 - Live WIse - Pt 2
11.11.18 - Live Wise - Pt 1
10.28.18 - CAIN + ABEL Genesis 4
10.21.18 - The Letter from Jude [Jude 1:2]
10.14.18 - The Letter from Jude [Jude 1:1]
10.07.18 - Slave of Christ [Jude 1]
09.30.18 - Money Advice From Naboth [1 Kings 21]
09.23.18 - Who Is The Boss? Romans 12:1-2 PT. 2
09.16.18 - Who Is The Boss? Romans 12:1-2 PT. 1
09.09.18 - Job Final
09.02.18 - New Life [Job 42]
08.26.18 - God’s Question [Job 38-41]
08.19.18 - God is talking. Are you listening? [Job 32-37]
08.12.18 - The Third Friend [Job 11-13]
07.29.18 - The Second Friend Speaks [Job 8-10]
07.22.18 - The First Friend Speaks [Job 4-7] - Kenneth Arrington
07.15.18 - Friend Support [Job 2:11-13] - Kenneth Arrington
07.08.18 - Depression [Job 3]
07.01.18 - Where Will You Go? [Job 2:1-10]
06.24.18 - Innocent Suffering [Job 1]
06.17.18 - God’s Answer [Job 1:6-12]
06.10.18 - Faith and Righteousness [Gal. 3] - Kenneth Arrington
06.03.18 - The End [Daniel 12]
05.27.18 - Trusting God [Deut. 1.25-31] - Darrell Bonjour
05.20.18 - Moses' Graduation [Hebrews 11.23-26]
05.06.18 - The Drama of Nations [Daniel 11]
04.29.18 - Faith and Freedom [Gal. 1—2] - Kenneth Arrington
04.22.18 - Behind the Curtain [Daniel 10]
04.15.18 - A Bigger Mountain [Daniel 9:24-27]
04.08.18 - Daniel's First Love [Daniel 9:20-23]
04.01.18 - He is Risen! [Luke 24:1-12]
03.25.18 - Passover Seder
03.18.18 - Daniel's Prayer [Daniel 9:1-19]
03.11.18 - Daniel's Response [Daniel 8: 26-27]
03.04.18 - Another Vision [Daniel 8]
02.25.18 - Until He Comes [Daniel 7:15-28]
02.11.18 - Point to Jesus [Daniel 6]
02.04.18 - Bad Egg [Daniel 5]
01.28.18 - Hey! [Daniel 4]
01.21.18 - Real Faith [Daniel 3]
01.14.18 - Real Peace [Daniel 2]
01.07.18 - Small Obedience [Daniel 1]