Back to Church: An Idea…

Saturday Evening Worship Outdoors


An idea for re-opening NLDF: outdoor Saturday evening services throughout the summer. As the COVID-19 numbers in Tarrant county continue to decline, we want to consider how to gather in the safest way possible. Outdoor services would allow for more space for social distancing as well as an open-air environment. Evening services would allow us to (somewhat) escape the Texas heat. Citronella torches will hopefully keep the bugs away. We miss you and miss gathering as a church for worship! For more information on what Saturday evening services might entail, see below.


It will look different…

Social Distancing

Everyone has their own idea of what they are comfortable with related to social-distancing. Masks or no masks. Gloves or no gloves. The key to re-gathering will be extending grace to each other, regardless of their views in this matter. We will have hand sanitizing stations, seating 6 feet apart, and contact-less greeting times. We’ll do our best to enjoy fellowship while also exercising wisdom.

Sundays Online

Not everyone will be able or feel comfortable to gather in-person. Gathering on Saturday evenings will allow us to record the worship service, edit it, and post it online by Sunday morning for those who need to continue worshiping remotely.


No childcare + No restrooms

Our outdoor gatherings will not include nursery or childcare—at least for the foreseeable future. Additionally, restrooms will either be closed except for emergency situations, or only open to one person at a time.

Set-Up / Clean-Up Teams

We won’t be able to make this work without your help! We will need a set up team to arrive early and help get everything ready before worship—setting up the stage, chairs, etc. We’ll also need a clean-up team to disinfect surfaces, clean restrooms (if they are opened), put away things until next week.


What do you think?


We want your feedback! What are your thoughts on Saturday evening services or on re-opening NLDF in general. Please let us know what you like or don’t like, and leave some comments and suggestions. Click below to give feedback.